Sons of The Savior By-Laws
Created by Founding Members on March 30, 2014
Sons of The Savior are a Christian Motorcycle Ministry
Founded in Hendersonville, NC. Updated December 9, 2023
Mission Statement
To introduce the world to Jesus Christ through this unique ministry, for the purpose of making more and better disciples through the ministry of Sons of The Savior and the local church.
Proverbs 3:6 in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Article 1 Statement of Faith
-We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God, and that only they constitute the Divine rule of Christian faith and practice. -We believe that there is only one God, who is infinitely perfect, the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all things, and who is the only proper object of religious worship. -We believe that there are three persons in the Godhead – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, undivided in essence and co-equal in power and glory. -We believe that in the person of Jesus Christ the divine and human natures are united, so that he is truly and properly God and truly and properly man. -We believe that our first parents were created in a state of innocence, but by their disobedience they lost their purity and happiness, and that in consequence of their fall all men have become sinners, totally depraved and as such are justly exposed to the wrath of God. -We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has by his suffering and death made atonement for the whole world so that whosoever will be saved. -We believe that repentance towards God, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit, are necessary to salvation. -We believe that we are justified by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and that he that believeth hath the witness in himself. -We believe that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ. -We believe that it is the privilege of all believers to be wholly sanctified, and that there whole spirit and soul and body may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. -We believe in the immortality of the soul; in the resurrection of the body; in the general judgment at the end of the world; in the eternal happiness of the righteous; and in the endless punishment of the wicked.
Article 2 Section 1
The Ministry will be governed by eight (8) officer positions, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Men’s Chaplin, Women’s Chaplin and Sgt. At Arms. Any member holding an office within the Ministry will wear a patch designating their office. This patch will be worn on the front, upper third of the Ministry vest. The rules of succession between offices will not be practiced within the Sons of The Savior. (Example: If the Ministry Treasurer were to quit, or not be able to perform his or her duties, the Sgt. At Arms would not automatically move up into that position because he might not be qualified for or want that position.) If an officer does not, or is unable to perform his duties, or quits his office, it will be the responsibility of the President to appoint someone to that position until the regularly scheduled election. The 8 governing officers will meet once every quarter. Other offices include Road Captain.
Article 2 Section 2 Amendments To bylaws The bylaws may be amended, altered, or repealed by the Chapter Officers with approval of the voting eligible members of the Chapter at any regular or specially planned meeting; provided however, that the members may from time to time specify particular provisions of the bylaws which shall not be amended or repealed by the ministry officers.
Article 2 Section 3 In the event of multiple officers should be injured or even killed in a crash, the highest-ranking officer and a member at large to be appointed by the president within the first month of their presidency. The rank of the ministry is as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sargent at Arms, Chaplains, Road Captain. The appointed member at large should be someone who has been a patched member for more than 12 months. This section is to insure proper and secure elections should they be needed.
Article 2
Section 4 The 2 Founders (Roy Snelson, Scott Justus) may maintain an advisory position at all SSMM tables unless removed of patch.
Article 3 Colors and Patch Descriptions - The patch shape is the shape of a Salvation Army Shield, reminding us of our founding roots as Salvation Army Men's Club and Church members. -The Cross-in the center is a reminder to the world of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who by his suffering and death gave us life and life more abundantly. -The Wings represent the freedoms we have in Christ Jesus. -The yellow or gold color reminds us we are the sons and daughters of The King. -The white is the purity of Jesus and reminds us we should strive to be Christ like in our thoughts, words and deeds. -The black represents the sinful lives we have left behind to follow The Savior, Jesus Christ.
All patches for the Sons of the Savior will be purchased through the Mother chapter in Hendersonville, NC.
Article 4 Section 1 Officer Positions
PRESIDENT The President shall preside over all officer and general membership meetings. He will oversee all affairs of the Ministry and may appoint persons or committees as may be required for Ministry business. If any officer in the Ministry is unable to, or fails to perform his duties, it is the responsibility of the President to appoint a replacement until the general election.
VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President shall perform all duties incumbent upon the President during the absence of the President.
SECRETARY The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings and shall keep the minute’s at all monthly meetings. Within one week of the monthly meetings he will distribute the minutes to the Ministry membership, either in writing or by email.
TREASURER The Treasurer must account for all income and expenditures of the Ministry. He or she will maintain an accounting journal and log all transactions by the Ministry. He/ she will give a financial report at each monthly meeting showing the current wealth of the Ministry. He/ she must insure that all disbursements of Ministry money are approved as follows: Disbursements under $100 must be with the knowledge & approval of the Pres. and V-Pres. Disbursements of $100 and under $500 must be approved by majority vote of the eight (8) Club officers. Disbursements of $500 or more must have unanimous approval by the officers. He will be responsible for collecting any and all fees required by the Ministry.
CHAPLAIN (Men’s and Women’s) The Chaplain is to provide spiritual direction for the chapter members. Pursue and coordinate ministry opportunities for the chapter. Encourage and help members in individual ministry opportunities. Lead devotions at chapter meeting.
SERGEANT AT ARMS The Sergeant at Arms shall promote safety throughout the Ministry. His duties include maintaining order during all Ministry meetings, events and functions, and to protect the rights of the Ministry and its members. It is also his/her duty to manage all complaints and to bring them to the attention of the President. The Sergeant at Arms will also keep an up to date record of all members to make sure that each member’s motorcycle driver’s license, motorcycle insurance, bike registration and inspection are all current.
ROAD CAPTAIN The Road Captain shall be responsible for the safety of the membership any time the Ministry rides as a group. He will review routes for safety concerns, and will assist other riders in practicing safe driving while traveling in formation. He will be responsible for scheduling departure times and locations for trips or rides, and will communicate this information to all the membership. In the event that the Senior Road Captain is unable to take part in a Ministry run or trip, he/ she will pick a Road Captain and two (2) Assistants to lead the Ministry in his absence, and will help them in their preparation, if needed.
All decisions affecting the Ministry will be voted on by the membership present. The voting membership, or FULL MEMBERS, consists of only patched members of Sons of The Savior M/M. In the event a tie vote occurs, the final decision will rest with a majority vote by the Eight Club officers.
Article 4 Section 2 Starting a Chapter - Any group wishing to join Sons of The Savior will need to meet the following criteria:1. Have 4 or more members to fill basic officer positions 2. Have a supporting church and pastor .3. Fill out a "Chapter Request Form" that would be sent to you by the Founding Chapter in Hendersonville, NC 4.Serve a 6 month probationary period before a full charter will be issued.5. Agree to ALL of the Bylaws of Sons of The Savior. Please email: [email protected] to request a Charter Application
Article 5 MONTHLY MEETINGS To be scheduled 30 days in advance of date. Meeting agendas will be out a minimum of 5 days ahead of meeting date. . These meetings are very important, and every member should make every attempt to attend the monthly meetings. For the Ministry to thrive and prosper, it requires the participation of every member.
Article 6 DUES & FEES: The mother chapter (Genesis) requires a $10 monthly dues. Chapter should be self-supporting through dues, free will offerings, fundraising and donations. Members are responsible for the purchase of their vest and patches. The chapter will maintain ownership of all chapter patches.
Article 7 Section 1 Responsibilities of FULL MEMBERS:
A full patch member may own a motorcycle but it is not mandatory. A full member must make an effort to attend all meetings, events, and functions, and be dedicated to maintaining the Sons of The Savior M/M. He or she must help out other members in any way possible, whenever possible. He or she must show appropriate respect to fellow members, and other clubs. He or she must be a mentor to Prospects, showing them the ways of the Ministry. He or she must always remember that when he/ she wears the patches of the Sons of The Savior M/M, that he represents the whole Ministry family, and must never act in a manner that would bring discredit or dishonor to the Ministry or the Name of Jesus Christ. He MUST wear Ministry vest at all SOS functions and events. Any FULL MEMBER that has not attended any Club events, functions, or meetings for Six (6) Months, will be asked to turn in his Patches to one of the eight ministry officers. The exception to this rule would be if the member, or his family, has a medical emergency that would prevent him from being active in the club for long periods of time. The Ministry Officers will deal with these situations on an individual basis, and will make decisions accordingly.
Article 7 Section 2 PROSPECT Responsibilities:
To become a member of the Sons of The Savior M/M, a person is required to PROSPECT for a period of time, during which the Prospect must attend certain Ministry functions, thus giving the sitting membership time to get to know the individual. During this period, the Prospect will wear a blacked out riding vest or a black Dickie button down work shirt. Once the Prospect receives his PROSPECT patch, it is his/her responsibility to see that his patch has been sewn properly onto a vest, and worn to the next Ministry event that he/ she attends. No other patch will be worn on the back of the Prospect’s vest during this period. Before a Prospect can become a FULL member, he must attend at least FOUR (4) Ministry events, and MUST attend three (3) Monthly Meetings. (A Ministry Event is defined as any event scheduled by the Ministry, in which at least Three (3) Full Patch wearing members are in attendance.) The Prospect must pay the cost of his patch before he can receive his Prospect patch. A Prospect will NEVER attend a Ministry function without his Ministry vest. During the Prospect period, the Prospect should make every attempt to meet ALL sitting members of the Ministry by introducing himself, sharing his/ her testimony, shaking hands, and making sure that the sitting members know he is serious about becoming a member of the Sons of The Savior M/M. The Prospect will only wear his Prospect patch when he is either riding to or from a Ministry functions, or when he is riding with another full patch member of the Ministry. A Ministry function is defined as any event such as Ministry meetings, breakfast, dinner, any ride or run, or any event where the Ministry gathers. A full patch member is defined as any member wearing full back patch
Article 7 Section 3 PROSPECT SPONSOR Responsibilities:
A Sponsor must be a mentor to the Prospect, and guide him through the process of becoming a member of the Sons of The Savior M/M. It is the Sponsor’s job to make sure that the Prospect knows the requirements to become a member, and to keep track of where his Prospect is in the process. Once the Prospect has completed all the requirements to become a member, it is the Sponsor’s job to bring this to the attention of the President. The Sponsor will advise the President that the Prospect has completed his / her requirements. At the next general meeting, the President will call for a vote of membership on the Prospect.
PROSPECT VOTING: Once a Prospect has completed the requirements as set forth within these Bylaws, and the Prospect’s Sponsor has advised the President that the Prospect is ready for a vote; the Prospect will be voted on during the next scheduled monthly meeting. To become a member, the Prospect must receive a majority vote of the voting membership present. Any negative votes must be explained to the membership. If the Prospect does not receive a majority vote, the decision will be made by the Ministry officers whether to extend the Prospect’s time, or to dismiss the Prospect. The Prospect will not be present in the room during the voting process. If the Prospect receives a majority vote for full membership, he will be awarded his patch.
Article 8 RULES OF MEMBERSHIP -NO OTHER PATCHES WILL BE WORN ON THE BACK OF A MEMBER'S VEST. -Membership in Sons of The Savior Motorcycle Ministry is open to every Christian regardless of race, creed, color, and gender. -Members are not required to own or ride a motorcycle -Members must be a practicing Christian, who has come to know the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and attends and supports his/her local church. -Must be 18 years of age or older -Alcoholic beverages will never be allowed at Sons of The Savior M/M function or ride. --Public drunkenness of a member (in or out of patch) will never be tolerated. -The use of illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, or use of any type of drug will not be tolerated. - Violence, vulgarity, off-color humor and promiscuous behavior will not be tolerated -Members will not wear or display anything dishonoring Christ (t-shirts, pins, social networking post, etc.)
Article 9
Section 1 DISIPLINARY ACTION - If any member within the Ministry should do anything that causes dissension among the members, or does anything that goes against the Sons of The Savior’s values, the matter will be brought to the attention of the President. The President will turn the matter over to the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant At Arms, who will look into the matter, bring findings to the president and act accordingly.
Occasionally, situations will arise that involve special circumstances. The eight (8) ministry officers will handle such situations, and it will be up to them to determine what action will be taken in these matters.
It is the purpose of these Bylaws to preserve and protect the integrity and character of the Ministry for its membership, and to promote the ideals this ministry was founded for furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ, brotherhood, fun, fellowship, riding and service.
When a member has broken the spirit of our Statement of Faith, values or general rules, the following degrees of discipline is the responsibility of first the (8) club officers.-In all cases, confession and repentance followed by forgiveness and restoration is the goal “If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses’. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a -pagan or a tax collector.” Matthew 18: 15-17 -After much prayer and dialogue, the officers may suspend the member's patch for a short period of time (30-60 days) whereby a member hangs up his/ her colors and does not wear them for that duration. -After much prayer and dialogue, the officers may call for the returning of a patch to any member of the officers and the member leaves the ministry. Any future return to this ministry would require a one-year separation followed by a new application and new patches. The intent of these rules is not to be exhaustive, but rather to clarify what some Christians may consider to be “grey areas”. It is not the intent of this ministry to become a sectarian or legalistic regarding Christian behavior. We simply insist on our members representing Christ well in an otherwise ungodly world. Christ is our example- holiness is our goal. We are Saved 2 Serve.
Article 9 Section 2 Should an officer violate any of the disciplinary actions as stated in Article 9 Section 1 they may face loss of the officer position. First, someone would have to move to open a disciplinary inquiry of rule infractions, then a second would be needed. At this point an inquiry committee will be formed consisting of 3 officers (highest ranking not involved, officer under inquiry will be excluded from investigation until their questioning) and 2 members at large (appointed by highest ranking officer on committee). This committee has 15 days to bring their findings to the patched membership for final vote. At the patch meeting, the evidence against the officer will be presented. There will need to be a vote of no confidence. The highest-ranking officer, the President unless action is being taken against the president, will conduct the finalization process and hand down disciplinary action as needed.
-The goal and purpose of Sons of The Savior is to go into the world and preach the gospel and in the words of Francis of Assisi “if necessary use words” Through our service to the community, the way we treat our brothers and sisters, helping other Christian riders develop riding groups in their home church , the way we treat others Christian or non-Christian and other MC clubs, and others will see our lives and know we are men and women of God. We are a service driven ministry with a riding habit.
Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Address: 328 N King St Hendersonville NC 28791 mailing address 60 Aaron Pace LN Hendersonville NC 28792: [email protected]
Created by Founding Members on March 30, 2014
Sons of The Savior are a Christian Motorcycle Ministry
Founded in Hendersonville, NC. Updated December 9, 2023
Mission Statement
To introduce the world to Jesus Christ through this unique ministry, for the purpose of making more and better disciples through the ministry of Sons of The Savior and the local church.
Proverbs 3:6 in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Article 1 Statement of Faith
-We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God, and that only they constitute the Divine rule of Christian faith and practice. -We believe that there is only one God, who is infinitely perfect, the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all things, and who is the only proper object of religious worship. -We believe that there are three persons in the Godhead – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, undivided in essence and co-equal in power and glory. -We believe that in the person of Jesus Christ the divine and human natures are united, so that he is truly and properly God and truly and properly man. -We believe that our first parents were created in a state of innocence, but by their disobedience they lost their purity and happiness, and that in consequence of their fall all men have become sinners, totally depraved and as such are justly exposed to the wrath of God. -We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has by his suffering and death made atonement for the whole world so that whosoever will be saved. -We believe that repentance towards God, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit, are necessary to salvation. -We believe that we are justified by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and that he that believeth hath the witness in himself. -We believe that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ. -We believe that it is the privilege of all believers to be wholly sanctified, and that there whole spirit and soul and body may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. -We believe in the immortality of the soul; in the resurrection of the body; in the general judgment at the end of the world; in the eternal happiness of the righteous; and in the endless punishment of the wicked.
Article 2 Section 1
The Ministry will be governed by eight (8) officer positions, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Men’s Chaplin, Women’s Chaplin and Sgt. At Arms. Any member holding an office within the Ministry will wear a patch designating their office. This patch will be worn on the front, upper third of the Ministry vest. The rules of succession between offices will not be practiced within the Sons of The Savior. (Example: If the Ministry Treasurer were to quit, or not be able to perform his or her duties, the Sgt. At Arms would not automatically move up into that position because he might not be qualified for or want that position.) If an officer does not, or is unable to perform his duties, or quits his office, it will be the responsibility of the President to appoint someone to that position until the regularly scheduled election. The 8 governing officers will meet once every quarter. Other offices include Road Captain.
Article 2 Section 2 Amendments To bylaws The bylaws may be amended, altered, or repealed by the Chapter Officers with approval of the voting eligible members of the Chapter at any regular or specially planned meeting; provided however, that the members may from time to time specify particular provisions of the bylaws which shall not be amended or repealed by the ministry officers.
Article 2 Section 3 In the event of multiple officers should be injured or even killed in a crash, the highest-ranking officer and a member at large to be appointed by the president within the first month of their presidency. The rank of the ministry is as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sargent at Arms, Chaplains, Road Captain. The appointed member at large should be someone who has been a patched member for more than 12 months. This section is to insure proper and secure elections should they be needed.
Article 2
Section 4 The 2 Founders (Roy Snelson, Scott Justus) may maintain an advisory position at all SSMM tables unless removed of patch.
Article 3 Colors and Patch Descriptions - The patch shape is the shape of a Salvation Army Shield, reminding us of our founding roots as Salvation Army Men's Club and Church members. -The Cross-in the center is a reminder to the world of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who by his suffering and death gave us life and life more abundantly. -The Wings represent the freedoms we have in Christ Jesus. -The yellow or gold color reminds us we are the sons and daughters of The King. -The white is the purity of Jesus and reminds us we should strive to be Christ like in our thoughts, words and deeds. -The black represents the sinful lives we have left behind to follow The Savior, Jesus Christ.
All patches for the Sons of the Savior will be purchased through the Mother chapter in Hendersonville, NC.
Article 4 Section 1 Officer Positions
PRESIDENT The President shall preside over all officer and general membership meetings. He will oversee all affairs of the Ministry and may appoint persons or committees as may be required for Ministry business. If any officer in the Ministry is unable to, or fails to perform his duties, it is the responsibility of the President to appoint a replacement until the general election.
VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President shall perform all duties incumbent upon the President during the absence of the President.
SECRETARY The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings and shall keep the minute’s at all monthly meetings. Within one week of the monthly meetings he will distribute the minutes to the Ministry membership, either in writing or by email.
TREASURER The Treasurer must account for all income and expenditures of the Ministry. He or she will maintain an accounting journal and log all transactions by the Ministry. He/ she will give a financial report at each monthly meeting showing the current wealth of the Ministry. He/ she must insure that all disbursements of Ministry money are approved as follows: Disbursements under $100 must be with the knowledge & approval of the Pres. and V-Pres. Disbursements of $100 and under $500 must be approved by majority vote of the eight (8) Club officers. Disbursements of $500 or more must have unanimous approval by the officers. He will be responsible for collecting any and all fees required by the Ministry.
CHAPLAIN (Men’s and Women’s) The Chaplain is to provide spiritual direction for the chapter members. Pursue and coordinate ministry opportunities for the chapter. Encourage and help members in individual ministry opportunities. Lead devotions at chapter meeting.
SERGEANT AT ARMS The Sergeant at Arms shall promote safety throughout the Ministry. His duties include maintaining order during all Ministry meetings, events and functions, and to protect the rights of the Ministry and its members. It is also his/her duty to manage all complaints and to bring them to the attention of the President. The Sergeant at Arms will also keep an up to date record of all members to make sure that each member’s motorcycle driver’s license, motorcycle insurance, bike registration and inspection are all current.
ROAD CAPTAIN The Road Captain shall be responsible for the safety of the membership any time the Ministry rides as a group. He will review routes for safety concerns, and will assist other riders in practicing safe driving while traveling in formation. He will be responsible for scheduling departure times and locations for trips or rides, and will communicate this information to all the membership. In the event that the Senior Road Captain is unable to take part in a Ministry run or trip, he/ she will pick a Road Captain and two (2) Assistants to lead the Ministry in his absence, and will help them in their preparation, if needed.
All decisions affecting the Ministry will be voted on by the membership present. The voting membership, or FULL MEMBERS, consists of only patched members of Sons of The Savior M/M. In the event a tie vote occurs, the final decision will rest with a majority vote by the Eight Club officers.
Article 4 Section 2 Starting a Chapter - Any group wishing to join Sons of The Savior will need to meet the following criteria:1. Have 4 or more members to fill basic officer positions 2. Have a supporting church and pastor .3. Fill out a "Chapter Request Form" that would be sent to you by the Founding Chapter in Hendersonville, NC 4.Serve a 6 month probationary period before a full charter will be issued.5. Agree to ALL of the Bylaws of Sons of The Savior. Please email: [email protected] to request a Charter Application
Article 5 MONTHLY MEETINGS To be scheduled 30 days in advance of date. Meeting agendas will be out a minimum of 5 days ahead of meeting date. . These meetings are very important, and every member should make every attempt to attend the monthly meetings. For the Ministry to thrive and prosper, it requires the participation of every member.
Article 6 DUES & FEES: The mother chapter (Genesis) requires a $10 monthly dues. Chapter should be self-supporting through dues, free will offerings, fundraising and donations. Members are responsible for the purchase of their vest and patches. The chapter will maintain ownership of all chapter patches.
Article 7 Section 1 Responsibilities of FULL MEMBERS:
A full patch member may own a motorcycle but it is not mandatory. A full member must make an effort to attend all meetings, events, and functions, and be dedicated to maintaining the Sons of The Savior M/M. He or she must help out other members in any way possible, whenever possible. He or she must show appropriate respect to fellow members, and other clubs. He or she must be a mentor to Prospects, showing them the ways of the Ministry. He or she must always remember that when he/ she wears the patches of the Sons of The Savior M/M, that he represents the whole Ministry family, and must never act in a manner that would bring discredit or dishonor to the Ministry or the Name of Jesus Christ. He MUST wear Ministry vest at all SOS functions and events. Any FULL MEMBER that has not attended any Club events, functions, or meetings for Six (6) Months, will be asked to turn in his Patches to one of the eight ministry officers. The exception to this rule would be if the member, or his family, has a medical emergency that would prevent him from being active in the club for long periods of time. The Ministry Officers will deal with these situations on an individual basis, and will make decisions accordingly.
Article 7 Section 2 PROSPECT Responsibilities:
To become a member of the Sons of The Savior M/M, a person is required to PROSPECT for a period of time, during which the Prospect must attend certain Ministry functions, thus giving the sitting membership time to get to know the individual. During this period, the Prospect will wear a blacked out riding vest or a black Dickie button down work shirt. Once the Prospect receives his PROSPECT patch, it is his/her responsibility to see that his patch has been sewn properly onto a vest, and worn to the next Ministry event that he/ she attends. No other patch will be worn on the back of the Prospect’s vest during this period. Before a Prospect can become a FULL member, he must attend at least FOUR (4) Ministry events, and MUST attend three (3) Monthly Meetings. (A Ministry Event is defined as any event scheduled by the Ministry, in which at least Three (3) Full Patch wearing members are in attendance.) The Prospect must pay the cost of his patch before he can receive his Prospect patch. A Prospect will NEVER attend a Ministry function without his Ministry vest. During the Prospect period, the Prospect should make every attempt to meet ALL sitting members of the Ministry by introducing himself, sharing his/ her testimony, shaking hands, and making sure that the sitting members know he is serious about becoming a member of the Sons of The Savior M/M. The Prospect will only wear his Prospect patch when he is either riding to or from a Ministry functions, or when he is riding with another full patch member of the Ministry. A Ministry function is defined as any event such as Ministry meetings, breakfast, dinner, any ride or run, or any event where the Ministry gathers. A full patch member is defined as any member wearing full back patch
Article 7 Section 3 PROSPECT SPONSOR Responsibilities:
A Sponsor must be a mentor to the Prospect, and guide him through the process of becoming a member of the Sons of The Savior M/M. It is the Sponsor’s job to make sure that the Prospect knows the requirements to become a member, and to keep track of where his Prospect is in the process. Once the Prospect has completed all the requirements to become a member, it is the Sponsor’s job to bring this to the attention of the President. The Sponsor will advise the President that the Prospect has completed his / her requirements. At the next general meeting, the President will call for a vote of membership on the Prospect.
PROSPECT VOTING: Once a Prospect has completed the requirements as set forth within these Bylaws, and the Prospect’s Sponsor has advised the President that the Prospect is ready for a vote; the Prospect will be voted on during the next scheduled monthly meeting. To become a member, the Prospect must receive a majority vote of the voting membership present. Any negative votes must be explained to the membership. If the Prospect does not receive a majority vote, the decision will be made by the Ministry officers whether to extend the Prospect’s time, or to dismiss the Prospect. The Prospect will not be present in the room during the voting process. If the Prospect receives a majority vote for full membership, he will be awarded his patch.
Article 8 RULES OF MEMBERSHIP -NO OTHER PATCHES WILL BE WORN ON THE BACK OF A MEMBER'S VEST. -Membership in Sons of The Savior Motorcycle Ministry is open to every Christian regardless of race, creed, color, and gender. -Members are not required to own or ride a motorcycle -Members must be a practicing Christian, who has come to know the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and attends and supports his/her local church. -Must be 18 years of age or older -Alcoholic beverages will never be allowed at Sons of The Savior M/M function or ride. --Public drunkenness of a member (in or out of patch) will never be tolerated. -The use of illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, or use of any type of drug will not be tolerated. - Violence, vulgarity, off-color humor and promiscuous behavior will not be tolerated -Members will not wear or display anything dishonoring Christ (t-shirts, pins, social networking post, etc.)
Article 9
Section 1 DISIPLINARY ACTION - If any member within the Ministry should do anything that causes dissension among the members, or does anything that goes against the Sons of The Savior’s values, the matter will be brought to the attention of the President. The President will turn the matter over to the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant At Arms, who will look into the matter, bring findings to the president and act accordingly.
Occasionally, situations will arise that involve special circumstances. The eight (8) ministry officers will handle such situations, and it will be up to them to determine what action will be taken in these matters.
It is the purpose of these Bylaws to preserve and protect the integrity and character of the Ministry for its membership, and to promote the ideals this ministry was founded for furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ, brotherhood, fun, fellowship, riding and service.
When a member has broken the spirit of our Statement of Faith, values or general rules, the following degrees of discipline is the responsibility of first the (8) club officers.-In all cases, confession and repentance followed by forgiveness and restoration is the goal “If your brother sins against you go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses’. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a -pagan or a tax collector.” Matthew 18: 15-17 -After much prayer and dialogue, the officers may suspend the member's patch for a short period of time (30-60 days) whereby a member hangs up his/ her colors and does not wear them for that duration. -After much prayer and dialogue, the officers may call for the returning of a patch to any member of the officers and the member leaves the ministry. Any future return to this ministry would require a one-year separation followed by a new application and new patches. The intent of these rules is not to be exhaustive, but rather to clarify what some Christians may consider to be “grey areas”. It is not the intent of this ministry to become a sectarian or legalistic regarding Christian behavior. We simply insist on our members representing Christ well in an otherwise ungodly world. Christ is our example- holiness is our goal. We are Saved 2 Serve.
Article 9 Section 2 Should an officer violate any of the disciplinary actions as stated in Article 9 Section 1 they may face loss of the officer position. First, someone would have to move to open a disciplinary inquiry of rule infractions, then a second would be needed. At this point an inquiry committee will be formed consisting of 3 officers (highest ranking not involved, officer under inquiry will be excluded from investigation until their questioning) and 2 members at large (appointed by highest ranking officer on committee). This committee has 15 days to bring their findings to the patched membership for final vote. At the patch meeting, the evidence against the officer will be presented. There will need to be a vote of no confidence. The highest-ranking officer, the President unless action is being taken against the president, will conduct the finalization process and hand down disciplinary action as needed.
-The goal and purpose of Sons of The Savior is to go into the world and preach the gospel and in the words of Francis of Assisi “if necessary use words” Through our service to the community, the way we treat our brothers and sisters, helping other Christian riders develop riding groups in their home church , the way we treat others Christian or non-Christian and other MC clubs, and others will see our lives and know we are men and women of God. We are a service driven ministry with a riding habit.
Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Address: 328 N King St Hendersonville NC 28791 mailing address 60 Aaron Pace LN Hendersonville NC 28792: [email protected]
Sons of The Savior M/M Application For Membership
We require all members to be Christians, having excepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Sons of the Savior shall live a lifestyle in accordance with Biblical principles and honor our savior The Lord Jesus Christ. INSTRUCTIONS: -Please print clearly. Be sure to fill in all blanks and check all boxes. Use black or blue ink. View to view bylaws and ministry information.
Application Date: ________________
Street Address_________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State _____ Zip__________ E-mail _____________________________________ Home (______)___________________ Cell (______)_______________________ Home Church _________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently serving with any other Christian service organizations or ministries? ______________________________ If so which ones ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please give a brief description of what Christ means to you today ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please Tell us about your interest in becoming a Son of The Savior member ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. I have read the 2023 Bylaws and Operations Manual. I understand and support them. Yes No
2. I have read the Statement of Faith. I understand and agree with it. Yes No
3. I understand that this is a ministry, not a club or riding organization. Yes No
4. I understand that the patches I will receive are not mine and will be willingly returned to Sons of The Savior should I ever leave this ministry for any reason. Yes No
5. I understand and embrace the vision that Sons of The Savior is our primary focus of ministry. Yes No
6. I understand that there is a one-time patch fee once I am accepted to prospect of $75. This is a none refundable cost and Sons of The Savior maintains ownership of all club patches Yes No
Applicants Signature________________________________________ Date___________
For Official Use Date Reviewed________________________________________________ Ministry Sponsor_______________________________________________ Probation Start Date ___________________________________________ Decision Date _________________________________________________ Patch Date ___________________________________________________ Presidents Approval ____________________________________________
Sons of The Savior M/M Application For Membership
We require all members to be Christians, having excepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Sons of the Savior shall live a lifestyle in accordance with Biblical principles and honor our savior The Lord Jesus Christ. INSTRUCTIONS: -Please print clearly. Be sure to fill in all blanks and check all boxes. Use black or blue ink. View to view bylaws and ministry information.
Application Date: ________________
Street Address_________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State _____ Zip__________ E-mail _____________________________________ Home (______)___________________ Cell (______)_______________________ Home Church _________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently serving with any other Christian service organizations or ministries? ______________________________ If so which ones ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please give a brief description of what Christ means to you today ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please Tell us about your interest in becoming a Son of The Savior member ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. I have read the 2023 Bylaws and Operations Manual. I understand and support them. Yes No
2. I have read the Statement of Faith. I understand and agree with it. Yes No
3. I understand that this is a ministry, not a club or riding organization. Yes No
4. I understand that the patches I will receive are not mine and will be willingly returned to Sons of The Savior should I ever leave this ministry for any reason. Yes No
5. I understand and embrace the vision that Sons of The Savior is our primary focus of ministry. Yes No
6. I understand that there is a one-time patch fee once I am accepted to prospect of $75. This is a none refundable cost and Sons of The Savior maintains ownership of all club patches Yes No
Applicants Signature________________________________________ Date___________
For Official Use Date Reviewed________________________________________________ Ministry Sponsor_______________________________________________ Probation Start Date ___________________________________________ Decision Date _________________________________________________ Patch Date ___________________________________________________ Presidents Approval ____________________________________________